Monday, January 03, 2005

More questions and debate.....

more comments and debate on the recent Tsunami disasters from Christian leaders. What do you guys make of these comments? Are disasters a part of God's warning of impending judgement?? What kind of God would allow such disasters to occur on His creation? Especially if He is a good, perfect and loving God?

These are not necessarily my questions. But are certainly questions that have been raised all around the world, and are continuing to reveberate like aftershocks. WHY???

As one woman in India put it,
"Why did you do this to us, God? What did we do to upset you?"

God's will comments horrible, says dean
By Lisa Pryor
January 3, 2005

The dean of St Mary's Cathedral, Neil Brown, has criticised religious leaders who say the tsunami disaster is the will of God.

The comments came after the Anglican Dean of Sydney, Phillip Jensen, said disasters were part of God's warning that judgement was coming.

Similar sentiments were expressed by Amjad Mehboob, the chief executive of the Australian Federation of Islamic Councils.

At a Mass dedicated to victims of the tsunami, Father Brown told a congregation at St Mary's yesterday that humans could not know the will of God. "It [that such disasters are God's will] is not a Catholic belief, and it's a rather horrible belief when you begin to think about it," he said. The Indonesian Catholic Community Choir sang at the Mass, and special prayers were said for Indonesian victims of the tragedy.

Father Brown is joined by Jewish and Hindu leaders who say the tsunami cannot be described as the will of God, or punishment from God.

Rabbi Raymond Apple, senior rabbi at the Great Synagogue, said humans could not read God's mind. "One cannot imagine God deliberately, wilfully bringing such suffering on innocent human beings ... we create major theological problems for ourselves if we just start automatically blaming God for everything evil that ever happens."

Mr Jensen yesterday confirmed he had told a journalist that "disasters are part of His warning that judgement is coming". However, he said the statement was taken out of context, and it now was the time to help victims of the disaster; philosophical debate should be left until later. "Our first task is to pray [to] the sovereign God who rules all things, and secondly to give generously to help people in their hour of need, and thirdly, down the track, to think about and talk about what it's all about."

But the world leader of the Anglican Church, the Archbishop of Canterbury, Rowan Williams, has already entered the philosophical debate about the meaning of the disaster. In an opinion piece in The Sunday Telegraph in Britain he said the question "How can you believe in a God who permits suffering on this scale?" was very much in people's minds at the moment, and it would be wrong if it was not.

"Every single random, accidental death is something that should upset a faith bound up with comfort and ready answers," he wrote. "Faced with the paralysing magnitude of a disaster like this, we naturally feel more deeply outraged - and also more deeply helpless." It was time to respond to the disaster with passionate engagement with the lives of survivors, and people should try to change the situation in whatever ways were open to them, Dr Williams said.

The Australian Federation of Islamic Councils' Mr Mehboob said yesterday: "We believe that whatever happens in the world, it happens with the sanction of God, and nothing can happen without his sanction."

No one could say whether the victims had brought the disaster on themselves, he said; only God could know that.

"It is a tragedy of immense magnitude that has affected so many people, it ought to move all humanity together," Mr Mehboob said.

"It is a time for people to come together; we have had a lot of division in the recent past."


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