Encouragement update...
Spoke to Lis today at work, and asked her how her visit to church on Sunday went...
She LOVED IT!!!!
She went with a friend to visit St Faith's Anglican in North Narrabeen (?). Kerry Nagle (formerly from the AFES) is the rector there now, met and welcomed her. She said that she really enjoyed the service, the people were nice and that she'll be going back!!! Yay! Praise God!
What really impressed me even more was that she declined an invitation from another friend to visit the Christian City Church, because she didn't want to spread herself around, and just focus on settling in in the one church!! How awesome is that! That she already has the maturity to recognise the importance of being apart of church, and being regular and consistent in her attendence! :)
Please keep praying for her, that God will raise up other people to keep an eye for her, and look after her. Pray that her hunger for God's Word will not wane, but that she may find nourishment and feeding from St Faith's. :)
Tomorrow will most probably be our last lunch time bible study for the year. Please pray that I can continue to lead these girls in growing and maturing them in their love and understanding of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Can't wait to see what next year will herald!!! :)
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