Ben and myself have been leading a small group of friends (all women) at work in basic bible studies for the last 2-3 months.
Been working our way through Mark. One of the girls Andrina has a baptist church background and is married to an atheist, but God has been speaking to her, and she's excited about reading the Bible with us. Lis, has a vague catholic background, and she too is learning heaps from reading the bible with us. In fact, just this week, she asked for us to recommend a good church in Dee Why or in the area that she can attend!!!
Please pray for us, as Ben is leaving next week to start MTS next year. So pray that I may be able to carry the baton, and continue to lead the group. Pray for the girls that they will continue to thirst and hunger for God's Word.
PS. anyone know of a good church in or around abouts the Dee Why area?
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