Wednesday, December 29, 2004

New Years Resolutions


i'm not usually one to make them each year... and even if i do, i inevitably break them not very long after...

what makes this new years different from anty other??? i'm not sure...
but either way i'm resolved to persevere with my resolutions to see them to completion...

New Years Resolutions are usually all about yourself.. "I will give up smoking, lose weight, exercise more, study harder, blah blah blah..." It is inevitable that we fail in these noble pursuits because we are fragile and weak. Mind over matter... people say... but is it really? I mean, yes it is to an extent.. but ultimately, the mind is willing but the body is weak....

My theory and thus my resolution for this new year is not to "fix" things in my life... but rather seek to see those around me built up and matured in their life. If they're Christians, my resolution is to see them built up and Christ, to seek to present them perfect in Christ, for their joy in Christ will be my joy! (I've been reading Desiring God again, and am seeking to become a Christian Hedonist, but i'll blog about this another time) If they're non-Christians, I resolve to help them grow in their investigation of Christ's love, and that my life would be a living testimony of Christ's love and grace, that they may see Him living in and through me.

This i call all of you to hold me accountable to, whether you're a Christian or not.. because Christian or not, if I don't live up to the above, then my life is but a lie and i am a hypocrite...
I recognise that I cannot achieve all this by my own strength.. which is why i seek to draw the strength to live this life from the spring of living water... Jesus Christ....

Y do i resolve to do this? I hear u asking... because if i am building up others in Christ and bringing others to Christ, then I will always know that Christ is central in my life, and in all my relationships. Thus I will know that I will be living a life worthy of the Gospel, and will undoubtably, be myself growing and maturing in Christ as I live my life this way... and thus, in some ways, my life will be growing and maturing unconsciously without having to battle my own personal demons with my own strength...

To aid and guide me on this "quest", i've chosen a list of books and resources that i intend to work my way through in this next year...:

1. The Purpose Driven Life
2. Disciplines of a Godly Man
3. Disciplines of a Godly Woman
4. For the Love of God Vol 1&2
5. According to Plan

This is enough to get me started... No doubt, this list will grow as the year goes.. but for now, this is enough... :)

I am really looking forward to the new year, and can't wait to see what God has in store for my life, in ministry and service, and in my own personal life...

God is good, and He is sovereign!

"I can do everything through Him that gives me strength" Phil 4:13

My motto for the last several years has been one and the same, and next year, it will be no different...

"For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain" Phil 1:21

Happy and safe New Years everyone. And most of all God bless!! :)


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