Following my last blog about leadership, I started thinking that you can’t have leadership without submission… I actually read through the chapter about submission in “Disciplines of a Godly Woman” the other day as well and that got me thinking…
What’s usually the first thing that spings to mind when the word submission is used?? For me (and I would think probably the same for most of you), the first thing that springs to mind is in the context of marriage about wives submitting to their husbands. “Wives submit to your husbands, as to the Lord” (Eph
I have some friends who don’t like or agree with the Christian framework of marriage, or listening to the sermons at Christian weddings because of such passages as Eph 5 that call women to submit to their husbands. There is an implication that when women become married, they somehow become inferior to their husbands, and subservient to them… and the other implication is that the husband has been given an inherent authority and dominion over his wife… he has full reign over her, and she must “submit” to everything that he tells her to do… This is by no means the correct interpretation and understanding of what submission is… The word has lost its true meaning over the ages… and been attached with an overbearing, stand-overish, dominating/autocratic stigma on those who dish out authority…
What is submission then? How is it supposed to be correctly viewed and lived out??
Submission, I think, is not meant to be treated as a verb, as an action… but rather as an attitude… A submissive attitude leads to actions of submission… much like an attitude of love will be expressed in actions and feelings of love…
So this begs the question, what does a submissive attitude look like? How is it expressed in action???
To me, submission is recognising the authority, status, and position that another party holds. He/she may not necessarily have to be of a higher social standing than you, or in a position of authority over you. An attitude of submission comes from respecting the other person for who they are, and how they are able to lead you. I think that we can submit to anyone of the same “standing” as ourselves, our peers, our friends… It is seen in how we view and perceive each other, respecting people’s ideas, leading, instructions and directives…
Maybe another helpful way of explaining what submission is and what it looks like is by showing what it doesn’t look like… submission is NOT rubbishing other people’s ideas, directives and leadership and guidance, choosing to do things our own way… that is a reflection of selfishness and pride… when we want to do things our own way, or think our way is better… that is NOT submission…
Can we be submissive to someone in authority over us (eg. manager or boss) even when we clearly disagree with what they say, or how they want something done?? I think so… I think a submissive person will respect that person’s authority, clearly and gently explain why they have a different opinion and point of view, and if they still won’t come around, humbly accept their decision, and agree to put their weight and support behind them… A non-submissive person will diss and slander the other, telling them why their stupid, or idiotic etc.. and kick up a big temper tantrum… and in the end after much fighting and grief, grudgingly agree to go along with the decision, but will only follow half-heartedly… (eg. Michael from The Apprentice this week…)
Another question I have is… why do only ever really hear about submission in relation to women??? Why are guys very rarely taught about submission?? I can’t recall ever hearing a talk or sermon to guys about submission.. it’s always been about leadership, or being a guy, or persevering etc…. never submission… sure we guys are challenged to lead and instruct and guide our spouses/gf’s etc… but how can we lead our women in submission if we aren’t taught it ourselves??
I think to add another quality of leadership to my previous blog, I’d have to say that displaying and showing submission by example is one quality of a leader that I really do rarely see, and one that I aspire to…
How do you lead by example with regard to submission?? Sounds almost contradictory doesn’t it??!! How does a husband or bf show and lead their wife or gf in submission?? Are we to submit to our gf’s or wives?? I think yes and no… but I think what is probably a better framework and example of submission is by showing submission to those in authority over us… bosses, police, politicians, laws, bible study leaders etc…
But most of all, the ultimate example of submission is displayed most clearly and vividly in our submission to the Word of God and submitting to the Lordship of Christ…
True submission cannot come without love… As men and husbands (future for some) we are called to
“love our wives as Christ loved the church gave himself up for her to make her holy, cleansing her by the washing with water through the word, and to present her to himself as a radiant church, without stain or wrinkle or any other blemish, but holy and blameless. In this same way, husbands ought to love their wives as their own bodies. He who loves his wife loves himself.” (Eph 5:25-28)
Submission is a natural out-flowing and expression of love. Showing your love for your spouse and displaying your love for Christ, and our submission to him, is in itself the best example that anyone can be showing their wife or gf. Indeed, I think that the same can work the other way as well… Wives and gfs should be modelling love and submission for Christ to their husbands and bfs… Why? Because this in itself is a display of submission to our husbands and bfs… this shows that you want to encourage and build them up in their love for Christ, because you want them to be able to lead you in godliness and truth, which can only come from a growing walk with the Lord… so in a way, you are “leading” your husbands and bfs to “lead” you in godliness by submitting to their authority and leadership in Christ… this can only lead to a good “vicious cycle” where each partner is leading and modelling love and submission to each other… the end result of which can be nothing other than the continued growth and maturity in the Lord, and in their love for each other! Everyone’s a winner!!! :)