Is it just me, or are Sydney drivers getting worse and worse and more and more aggressive and arrogant???!!!! Or just downright stupid and idiotic??!!
I was driving back to Sydney down the F3 coming back from the Hunter last night and was tailgated on no less than 3 occassions!!!
On ALL 3 occassions, I was tailgated WHILE I was overtaking another car! On the first occassion I was stuck behind another car so there was no where for me to go to let the idiot behind me through! And at least 2 occassions, the idiots behind me got sooo close that I couldn't even see their headlights!!!! How STUPID is that???!!!! I mean, doing 110+ down the motorway, AT NIGHT and being practically 30 cm from the bumper in front of you!!! My mind just boggles at the thought that people can be soooo arrogant and stupid!!!
What's even more infuriating is that once i've let these goons through, they don't even speed off into the night!!!
They just cruise along at about 120 or drop back to the speed limit.... WHAT THE????!!!!!
I really dun get what is going on in the heads of some people....
All I can do is shake my head in disbelief and hope to stay out of their way as much as possible...
The joys of 21st century commuting in Sydney. Yet another reason why I've thrown my hands up and re-joined the scrum that is the daily CityRail dash.
This is the norm mate. Where have you been? Even the old school days when my dad drove me to TGS in the mornings!
Same problem on the other side of the world. Too bad, but its how people are on the damn road. 'Cept if you do "120" around here, you're in for one helluva ticket. God bless.
ahh.. u havent been a P-plater in a while have you?
We call get that - do the speed limit, people still tail-gate and go speeding past you just because they see you're a P.
Thn you get the other P-platers who retalitate and speed even more.. giving us careful drivers a bad name.
not much we can do abt it unfortunately.
Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock.
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