Friday, February 18, 2005

God is a DJ? - Life is a Dance Floor??

If God is a DJ
Life is a dance floor
Love is the rhythm
You are the music
If God is a DJ
Life is a dance floor
You get what you're given
It's all how you use it


I find this songs strangely very catching...
yet the words though poetic in the chorus...
i can't help but scratch my head..

Dunno whether to agree with them or not....
i kinda agree with them... but yet somehow i feel like they're lacking something...
not all quite there yet....


Blogger es said...

Hey Mockkers!

I'm not sure if you are trying to work too hard to get something out of potentially nothing. Somehow I don't think Pink (or her lyric writers) spent too much time considering the theological ramifications of their words.

One question, if God is a DJ (the one controlling the music). We are the music (He controls us, all ok so far). Love is the rhythm, hmm, so that's what decides how we live... still ok, and life is the dance floor.. the place we are 'performed' as music.. who are the dancers?

Seems weird to me to have a club with a DJ, music, rhythm, a dance floor, and no one dancing.

Anyway, that's my contribution for today. Great to read your blog! Can't even remember how i found it... :)


10:08 am  
Blogger mockkie said...

Hey es!

welcome! thanks for dropping in and saying hi! :)

yeah no, i don't think pink or her lyric writers were considering the theological ramifications much.. but the words still very much reflect to a degree people's perspective of life and God does it not?

God is a DJ, Life is a dance floor... life is one big party... God is some cd spinning party dude, someone not to be feared or revered very much, but rather to take advantage of...

You get what u're given it's all how u use it... this kinda holds some water.. but again, its all about life is what u make of it yourself... how good and big the party is, is up to what u do with what u've been given.. :)

11:46 pm  

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