Tuesday, February 08, 2005

Gong Hei Fat Choi!!!!

It’s that time of year again… the big family gatherings… lots of food… steamboat… and the best part… RED PACKETS!!!!! Yes that’s right it’s the Chinese Lunar New Year!!! Well that’s the way it’s supposed to be anyway…

I miss all that and so much more… I miss the lights of Orchard Rd, the beautiful shop displays, the lion and dragon dances, the week long public holiday!!!! All the Chinese and Nonya cakes and sweets, and most of all the Red Packets!!! (greedy me… tee hee…)

But no seriously, I miss most of all the big family gathering with all the uncles, aunties, my grandma, and all my cousins…

Now we’re all spread all around the globe… so we hardly ever see each other… I haven’t even been back to s’pore since 1998!! That’s like forever!!!! Hopefully get to go back at the end of the year… *fingers crossed*

But that is part of life… as people grow up, and move away and pursue new and different diverse lives… the reality of today’s world, with the modern comforts of international travel and work, our families are separated by space, but not time… and though the modern comforts of technology like the internet and mobile phones and the like may aid in making the world seem like a smaller place, there is no substitute for being in the company of friends and of those you love.

So happy Chinese New Year everyone. To those who are blessed to have family around them, enjoy and cherish this time of love and fellowship. And to those who like me may be missing family and loved ones around the globe, I hope that you are still able to share this festive occasion with other family and loved ones here, and remember the good times and love shared with those that you miss… (oh and the red packets too… :P)

Happy Chinese New Year!!

PS. if anyone has any spare or leftover red packets, don't feel ashamed to share them with me!!! tee hee!!!... :P :P :P


Blogger JT said...

Thanks for the comments on Al's last post :) Not sure if I have met you before...probably have if you are one of Al's friends.

What a wacko that Gokeet...

Happy Chinese New Year...gotta love those red packets!!

10:09 pm  
Blogger mockkie said...

thanks JT... same to you... :)
dun think we've met yet..
mebbe sometime in the future.. :)

thanks for stopping by btw..
drop by again sometime.. :)

10:26 pm  
Blogger Beckster said...

Happy Chinese New Years Mockkie from HK! It's been a few years since I've last spent CNY here and let me just say I share your sentiments. It's wonderful to be surrounded by family and relatives and grandmothers and cousins, not to mention stuffing my face with all sorts of delicacies every two minutes. Yes, those red packets do come in handy too =).

Like you, my relatives are all spread around the globe as well. So is my immediate family with my bro working in Shanghai, me in Sydney and my parents based in HK. CNY is such a good time to bring everyone back together again. Maybe however Westernised I am, some parts of me will always be quitentially Chinese.

Hehe small world - JT is my fellow grad and Mac colleague (hi JT *waves*), Mockkie is my new rockclimbing friend and fellow blogger. We should all go partying together one day =).

3:56 pm  
Blogger mockkie said...

Thanks becs!!
Hope you're having an absolute blast of a time in honkers!!
Man can't believe how much u've been jetsetting.. and i've only known you for less than 3 months!!!! i can't even begin to imagine what u've been like before that!! :P

anyway, happy CNY to you too... enjoy, relish and cherish the family reunion, food and Hong Baos!!!

now u'll have plenty of money to buy your own climbing gear!! tee hee... :) your kev is getting really really good!!! :P

catch up with u when u FINALLY return to earth...
yeah... partying sounds like fun... :):)
take care!! ;)

5:08 pm  

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