What a day!!!
Started off the morning yesterday with yet another glorious sunrise shoot at Bradley's Head...
then a BIIIGGGG breakfast at Crows Nest (I forget the cafe)...
and then...
stumbling across Robert Billington's gallery...
went in a had a good looksee at his work...
and guess what?! he was there in the gallery!!!
took me a while to pluck up courage, but i eventually approached him and asked him about the photo on the cover of his book.
He was really really open and friendly in divulging and sharing about how he came to take that shot. It was really awesome and inspiring to have had the priviledge to just pick at this master photographer's brain for a few short minutes. I wish I'd had more time to listen to him, and even more so just watch and learn about how he approaches his craft.
To top it off, he gave me a postcard of the shot "Sydney Star" and even autographed it for me!! What a thrill and treat!!!!
What was amazing is that we literally just happened upon the gallery, and I only recognised the name because I had seen a copy of his book at Kinokuniya just a couple of weeks before, and that photo just really grabbed and intruiged me... what's more... it was by total chance that he was in the gallery that morning because he had only flown back in from overseas the day before!!
all I can say is WOW..........
I think i learnt that it never hurts to just pluck up some courage and approach such people. you never know what you will learn from them....
after that it was back to T's place to get stuck into finishing off a wedding album... and finish it we finally did at 10pm!! YAY!!!!
such a great feeling of relief and accomplishment having completed such a demanding task... :)
then to top the night off, lounging around watching the cricket and chatting while sipping on a nice hot cup of milo....
what a day..... :)
no. Thanks for letting me help and for trusting me in such an important task!!
it was fun, and i learnt heaps too!! :)
You guys are crazy.
ANOTHER sunrise shoot?
Then again, maybe I'm just getting old.
we would've invited you, except u know what happens EVERY time u come out...
Crazy people!!
aw shucks, you guys are making me feel so... wait.. WHAT?! are you accusing me of? pffft!
bev: we're not crazy... :) i reckon u're crazy NOT to enjoy a glorious sunrise now and then!! :)
es: there was some cloud... "some cloud" is good... u know that... :)
BUT... if u'd been there... there'd probably have been MORE cloud!!! hehehe... just j/k bro... :)
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