Feeling Better!!
Feeling much much better today!! :)
Popped some Panadols before bed last night, and got myself a good 8 to 9 hour sleep. Woke up with fever gone, but feeling run down and lethargic, so decided to miss work another day just to recouperate and regain strength.
Actually had the energy to put out my washing which i had started yesterday (barely had the energy or determination to pull it out of the washer, let alone to hang it on the line!!)
A HUGE thanks to all those who sent me their best wishes, or asked to see how I was, and those who even offered to cook chicken soup or jook for me!!! Thank goodness also for people with MSN at work to give me some semblence of company during the day!! You know who you are, I dun wanna name names, you never know who might read this! :P
It was good to have the extra day just to recharge and recover today. Managed to do a bit of reading, played Xbox, and went out for lunch. I thought I was well enough, so I treated myself to some Peidaan Sow Yiu Jook from down the road!!
One thing about this bout of illness though reminded me of how much I used to take my parents (in particular my mum) for granted. Had no one to nurse of mother me while I was curled up in bed yesterday. No one to cook something plain and simple, no one to get me a glass of water, or a damp towel to temper my fever. For once I had to do all that myself. It certainly made me most grateful for all the love and care my parents showered on me all my years at home.
I'm grateful that this bout of tummy bug was a very mild one, and that i'm back on my feet again (although not soon enough to go climbing tonight). But that means back to work tomorrow... :( oh well... can't have it all.. hehehe...
But that's ok... cos it also means I'm well enough to go and watch the footy with me mates tomorrow night!! (though, i think i'll skip the pizza) :P
think it's gonna be an early night for me tonight (i say that and it's already past 11:30!!) gonna pop a couple more panadols (just for precautionary sake) and try and get meself a good 7 hrs sleep. thanks again to all those who asked after me. :) it's nice and comforting to know that i'm loved and cared. :)
now I can be REALLY snug like a bug in a rug withoug having to be doubled over in the fetal position all night and enjoy the warmth of my doona!!!! :))))))
Glad to hear you are much better!
Woohoo! Nice to hear you're feeling better mate. Have fun at the footy!
Thanks guys... :)
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