Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Yellow Boulders!!!

Owww!!! I feel good!!!!

What a night of rockclimbing!!! Haven't experience such a satisfying and accomplishing night in since... heck, I've NEVER experienced such a satisfying and accomplishing night at rockclimbing!!!!

Finished my first yellow climb (i know it was an easy yellow, but i dun care, it was a yellow and that's all that matters! :P), and I also finished a boulder, not once, but TWICE!!!!

I NEVER boulder at the end of the night! Usually, my hands and arms are too spent and wasted to hold me to the wall anymore for me to be able to boulder... besides, i always use my usual excuse that I'm color-blind, and so from underneath, all the holds look the same color to me... ie.. white! so every time i start bouldering, I get tired from just hanging around looking for the next right hand/foot hold... tonight though, there was a nice black climb that was easily distinguishable from all the other holds...

tonight though was strange... i felt strangely fresh, and strong all night... for almost all the climbs i attempted, I had a good sense of rhythm and balance... i even finished a slab that required all my concentration, balance, rhythm, timing, patience and perseverence!!

I've come to realise that I really like and relish the climbs that aren't so much all about braun, but more about brains... the ones where you have to think about how you're going to get yourself into the right position to be able to go for the next hold... I know my limits, and I know that I lack the upper body strength to just "muscle" my way up the wall... so i have to rely more on brain power, and patience, balance and timing/rhythm to work my way up... in short... climb like a girl... :P (no offense ladies :P)

think all the grunting, "come ons!", and the occassional "squeal"/"scream" helped too... :P I'm not ashamed of my "squealing/screaming" :P

Climbing Rocks!!!! I'm pumped and psyched for next tuesday where I'll conquer more yellows and boulders!!!! Hear me ROAR!!! (or scream... depends who you talk to... :P)


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