Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Couch Commentator - Game Shows


7 nights in a row!
1st Temptation Grandmaster!
Over $600,000 in cash and prizes!
Not to mention including $500,000 in SOLID GOLD BULLION!!!


Did anyone else watch this???
How calm and composed was she???
even when making mistakes or buzzing in too early, she never let the pressure get to her or faze her...
she just backed herself, and confidence and her intellect to carry her through...

scores were $35, $40 and $40 with Brigid tied with Jeff going into the final fast minute round...
geez that was good tv...

definitely much much more wholesome and stimulating than what was on Channel 10 (i'm not even going to mention it cos, it's not worth my energy!)

But WOW!!! what a game!!

I must say as well that the other 2 contestants were really really great sports... especially Lynne... I thought she was going to deduct the $5 from Brigid when she turned up the "Burglar" on the "Famous Face" board... but no... instead of being opportunistic and underhanded, she took the money from Jeff, to even up the game...
great stuff... :)

It's such a nice change to have a good mentally stimulating gameshow back on the box again... especially a gameshow that also builds up excitement...
Millionaire is a great show... but i'm tired of the over the top, drawn out suspense building pauses, and double takes and cut to ad breaks... just hurry up and get on with it already!!

Sure the suspense is in seeing the challengers work out the questions... you get to see their thought processes and that is captivating... but as a tv viewer, it's not a gameshow that u can get as involved in from the comfort of your own couch or lounge... you might get the first few questions easily up till the $1000 or $2000 mark.. but after that, once you've seen the question and thought it through for no more than 5 minutes, you begin to grow impatient and just want to see what the answer is, and for the challenger to make a decision...

Temptation on the other hand...

Firstly.. Big Kudos to the big red buzzer!!! Nothing makes a gameshow exciting like a buzzer! On a side note, I used to love playing "Pop-O-Matic Double Trouble" as a kid, and my sis and I used to treat it like the buzzer on the old Sale... good times... :)
But the buzzer brings another element and dimension into any gameshow! It's entertaining in itself seeing people jump and flinch as other competitors beat them to the buzzer... the air is filled with tension and nervous energy, as they strain to hear the question, and anticipate what's going to be asked, and buzz in before the others... all this happening in a mere fraction of a second... Electric Stuff!!!!

2nd, the Gift Shop! The stuff on it is sooo cool!! From LV bags, to wide screen LCD tvs, to Samsonite luggage, to swish watches... geeez... the mind oogles at them all... and for such a small price!!! What's cool about this is seeing the challengers weigh up the options of indulging in luxury for a small cost of their gameshow money, and sacrificing their position in the game... What's more, it's cool when Ed really haggles hard and pushes them hard to get a sell... definitely tempting stuff... :)

3rd The Showcase and prizes!!!! WOW! And I used to think that "The Price is Right" had it good!!! there are $$$ all over the showcase on this gameshow!!!! And there's more tension and suspense here to be had too! Great stuff as the carryover champs are tempted to put their winnings on the line the next night, or take the loot and run... last night, i was thinking that Brigid would take the prizes and run, and not put it on the line for the gold bullion... but i'm soooo glad that she did! Though it would've been such a tragedy if she hadn't won tonight... thank goodness she did!!

4th, Audience Participation! This is a game that you can really get into from the comfort and safety of your lounge chair! There aren't very many gameshows these days like that... apart from the aforementioned "Millionaire", the only other gameshow that came close was "Wheel of Fortune". But this is truely a game that you can get involved in in testing your own knowledge and intellect, while learning new things along the way. And they said tv was all rubbish... "the idiot box" indeed... bah! :P

After saying all this, I'd have to rank "Temptation" at the top of my gameshow listing... followed closely by "Deal or No Deal"...

Both very different games I know... but the common denominator is the tempting of the competitors... seeing them being pushed to their limits as they are forced to make big decisions...

Deal... such an easy game... no brains needed at all... just nerves of steel and definitely a head that's screwed on that knows when enough is enough... all about probabilities... and asking how far are you willing to push the numbers... and ultimately... how GREEDY are you!!!

Good times seem to be in the offing for these shows... I know where i'll be on weeknights at 7pm from now on... on the couch glued to the "idiot box"...

Go on Tempt Me!!!


Blogger Rachel said...

lol! you make me laugh :)

2:46 am  
Blogger mockkie said...


5:45 pm  

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