Movie Review – “Closer”
“If you believe in love at first sight, you never stop looking.”
What a disgusting, sordid, perverted and cheap movie this was…
Porn, porn, PORN!!!… verbal, explicit, erotic, pornographic language…
That’s all I can say…
4 characters… Daniel, Alice, Larry and Anna… All four just as shallow, fickle, perverted, dishonest, lying and cheap as the next.
As you can probably guess, I didn’t enjoy this movie at all… In fact I came this close to actually walking out of it. Ok, I’ll admit, that I did think it was a well made movie from a directing, “art” point of view. Acting on the whole was fairly strong. Some of the “dialogue” (I use that term very broadly, as I wouldn’t consider msuch of it to be “dialogue”, more like perverted, smutty, porno talk) was quick and witty. The film made a bold attempt at exploring the ideas of love, truth and lies. But all it ended up doing was cheapen sex and love, and it never resolved any of the ideas being explored… Each character flitted from one sordid relationship with one to another… Love? What love??? I never saw any hint or demonstration of love in this movie. Call this a love story???
“Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends” – Jn15:13
“This is how we know what love is: Jesus Christ laid down his life for us” – 1 Jn
The movie alluded to this notion and idea of love at the start… Dan and Alice walk into a memorial park in
The tagline of the movie “If you believe in love at first sight, you never stop looking” is definitely played out in the characters’ fickle and shallow, carnal relationships with each other. Love at first sight??? Do I believe in this notion? This ideal? Heck no!! Attraction yes… Love no… Lust??? Heck yes!!! And this movie only stands to prove that… I wouldn’t call any of what goes on in this movie love… that was lust in its clearest, plainest, most naked and inhibited form! There was no love at all… You have Daniel and Anna cheating on “Alice” and Larry respectively for over a year while they are together with their respective “partners”. Daniel “falls in love” with Anna after just (no DURING) one photographic session!!! Its all about sex, sex, sex… or as the film so eloquently puts it… f@*k, f@$k, f#%king… can u get any more carnal and animalistic than that?? As Larry said… “I am a caveman”. Is that what we have reduced love and sex to?? At the very bottom of every relationship, is that what it’s all about??? Carnal, uninhibited, gratuitous, self-satisfying sex, or f@#king???!!!
“Have you ever seen a human heart? It looks like a fist covered in blood.... Only in the film Closer can the universal symbol for love and devotion be brutally manipulated into a tool, used solely to express men's vile and barbaric proclivities.” (
Alternative tagline “If you believe in love at first sight... Take a closer look.” This is probably a more accurate reflection of the movie itself. At least it kinda explains the title for the movie. But I really do prefer the tagline used in
“Those who love at first sight are traitors at every glance.”
This is so true for the movie, and for the premise of “love at first sight”.
Truth… what truth??? Where was the truth in this movie?? Where was the truth in any of the relationships in this movie???!!! The only truth about any of the characters was that they were all shallow, self-indulgent, selfish, and insecure about the relationships that they were in… They each admit to their respective partners that they cheated on them, or while they were apart had “f…ked” one of the other characters… Why???? Because they didn’t want to lie to them!!! What a joke!!! The fact that Dan and Anna were having an affair for a whole year while each of them was with Alice and Larry itself was a big fat lie!!! And while each character was with another, they all still had “feelings” for the other!!!! Truth??? What truth??? To quote another movie “You want the truth??!! YOU CAN’T HANDLE THE TRUTH!!!” How sadly true this was for this movie… Each time a character was told the “truth” about the partner’s cheating, they had to know all the details… How many times, where did they do it, did they do it at home? On the couch? In the bed? Blah blah blah… Why??? Because they had to know the TRUTH!! What BULL!!!!! It’s because they were all totally insecure with themselves and their relationships!!!!
Lies… everything was a lie… “Art is a lie...” The characters themselves were lies.
Someone said tonight that they thought the film was very real, that the characters were very real. I was surprised that they said that at first. But on thinking about it, they’re right in a way… in a very sad way. Maybe that’s the only truth in this movie. That the characters really are a real reflection of what relationships are like in today’s society. True, maybe not all relationships, but the fact that relationships are like that in the first place is such a saddening, and pathetic thing. To me, I initially didn’t believe or feel that such characters and relationships are real in life, but call me sheltered, or naïve or whatever, but I’m glad that I don’t have that perception of relationships. If I did, I don’t think I could live life thinking and being content with whatever relationship I have or am in. I’m saddened by the fact that there are people who go about living such “lies” in such “relationships”. And I hope that I never become anywhere close to being like any of the characters in this film.
If you’ve read this far, thank you and congratulations. Sorry that this post is so long, but I couldn’t get this movie out of my head and I just had to get it off my chest. I wrote the baulk of this post at
So what do I think of this movie? I think that as a film, it is well made. The acting is quite strong with a very talented cast. Standout performances to Natalie Portman and Clive Owen for me. There’s little to no character development, entertaining? Dunno about that. Script in part was very witty, quick and funny. But I would never call this a romantic comedy.
Would I recommend seeing it? Yes and no… yes so that you can go and form your own opinions about what I’ve said, and what you think of the issues raised by this movie. No because it’s not wholesome movie, I don’t think it is a helpful movie either, no matter how “truthfully” it portrays the emotions and deviousness of relationships.
Would I see it again? Again yes and no… No I don’t want to see it again for “entertainment value”, but rather to study, critique and further explore the ideas raised, and to note down some of the clever repartee.
Closer…. I’d say don’t get to closely attached to this film…