Saturday, January 29, 2005

Movie Review – “Closer”

“If you believe in love at first sight, you never stop looking.”

What a disgusting, sordid, perverted and cheap movie this was…

Porn, porn, PORN!!!… verbal, explicit, erotic, pornographic language…

That’s all I can say…

4 characters… Daniel, Alice, Larry and Anna… All four just as shallow, fickle, perverted, dishonest, lying and cheap as the next.

As you can probably guess, I didn’t enjoy this movie at all… In fact I came this close to actually walking out of it. Ok, I’ll admit, that I did think it was a well made movie from a directing, “art” point of view. Acting on the whole was fairly strong. Some of the “dialogue” (I use that term very broadly, as I wouldn’t consider msuch of it to be “dialogue”, more like perverted, smutty, porno talk) was quick and witty. The film made a bold attempt at exploring the ideas of love, truth and lies. But all it ended up doing was cheapen sex and love, and it never resolved any of the ideas being explored… Each character flitted from one sordid relationship with one to another… Love? What love??? I never saw any hint or demonstration of love in this movie. Call this a love story???

“Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends” – Jn15:13

“This is how we know what love is: Jesus Christ laid down his life for us” – 1 Jn 3:16

The movie alluded to this notion and idea of love at the start… Dan and Alice walk into a memorial park in London, and on the walls around this park are plaques of the names of people who died while saving the lives of others, of those they loved… Cool! I thought… Here is some hope and promise in exploring the idea and notion of sacrificial love… this got my hopes up… but nooo… the film just totally brushed this aside without even a second glance… the only link back to this is at the very end when Daniel goes back to the park (after breaking up with Alice “again”) and finds that she has actually “borrowed” her name from one of the plaques there… I’ll come back to this later…

The tagline of the movie “If you believe in love at first sight, you never stop looking” is definitely played out in the characters’ fickle and shallow, carnal relationships with each other. Love at first sight??? Do I believe in this notion? This ideal? Heck no!! Attraction yes… Love no… Lust??? Heck yes!!! And this movie only stands to prove that… I wouldn’t call any of what goes on in this movie love… that was lust in its clearest, plainest, most naked and inhibited form! There was no love at all… You have Daniel and Anna cheating on “Alice” and Larry respectively for over a year while they are together with their respective “partners”. Daniel “falls in love” with Anna after just (no DURING) one photographic session!!! Its all about sex, sex, sex… or as the film so eloquently puts it… f@*k, f@$k, f#%king… can u get any more carnal and animalistic than that?? As Larry said… “I am a caveman”. Is that what we have reduced love and sex to?? At the very bottom of every relationship, is that what it’s all about??? Carnal, uninhibited, gratuitous, self-satisfying sex, or f@#king???!!!

“Have you ever seen a human heart? It looks like a fist covered in blood.... Only in the film Closer can the universal symbol for love and devotion be brutally manipulated into a tool, used solely to express men's vile and barbaric proclivities.” (

Alternative tagline “If you believe in love at first sight... Take a closer look.” This is probably a more accurate reflection of the movie itself. At least it kinda explains the title for the movie. But I really do prefer the tagline used in Italy.

“Those who love at first sight are traitors at every glance.”

This is so true for the movie, and for the premise of “love at first sight”.

Truth… what truth??? Where was the truth in this movie?? Where was the truth in any of the relationships in this movie???!!! The only truth about any of the characters was that they were all shallow, self-indulgent, selfish, and insecure about the relationships that they were in… They each admit to their respective partners that they cheated on them, or while they were apart had “f…ked” one of the other characters… Why???? Because they didn’t want to lie to them!!! What a joke!!! The fact that Dan and Anna were having an affair for a whole year while each of them was with Alice and Larry itself was a big fat lie!!! And while each character was with another, they all still had “feelings” for the other!!!! Truth??? What truth??? To quote another movie “You want the truth??!! YOU CAN’T HANDLE THE TRUTH!!!” How sadly true this was for this movie… Each time a character was told the “truth” about the partner’s cheating, they had to know all the details… How many times, where did they do it, did they do it at home? On the couch? In the bed? Blah blah blah… Why??? Because they had to know the TRUTH!! What BULL!!!!! It’s because they were all totally insecure with themselves and their relationships!!!!

Lies… everything was a lie… “Art is a lie...” The characters themselves were lies. Alice was a lie. We find out at the end of the movie, that that’s not even her real name!! The relationships that their in were all lies. Even when they told the “truth” about their various affairs and after they’d gotten back together again, they were still lying to themselves and each other.

Someone said tonight that they thought the film was very real, that the characters were very real. I was surprised that they said that at first. But on thinking about it, they’re right in a way… in a very sad way. Maybe that’s the only truth in this movie. That the characters really are a real reflection of what relationships are like in today’s society. True, maybe not all relationships, but the fact that relationships are like that in the first place is such a saddening, and pathetic thing. To me, I initially didn’t believe or feel that such characters and relationships are real in life, but call me sheltered, or naïve or whatever, but I’m glad that I don’t have that perception of relationships. If I did, I don’t think I could live life thinking and being content with whatever relationship I have or am in. I’m saddened by the fact that there are people who go about living such “lies” in such “relationships”. And I hope that I never become anywhere close to being like any of the characters in this film.

If you’ve read this far, thank you and congratulations. Sorry that this post is so long, but I couldn’t get this movie out of my head and I just had to get it off my chest. I wrote the baulk of this post at 3am on Saturday morning (after foolishly having an iced latte at midnight), so I hope that it is mostly coherent and makes sense. I can probably go on more about this movie. In fact there are some interesting quotes said by Alice and Larry in the film that I'd like to explore further, but I can't recall them. Maybe when I find a copy of the script I'll add more to this post.

So what do I think of this movie? I think that as a film, it is well made. The acting is quite strong with a very talented cast. Standout performances to Natalie Portman and Clive Owen for me. There’s little to no character development, entertaining? Dunno about that. Script in part was very witty, quick and funny. But I would never call this a romantic comedy.

Would I recommend seeing it? Yes and no… yes so that you can go and form your own opinions about what I’ve said, and what you think of the issues raised by this movie. No because it’s not wholesome movie, I don’t think it is a helpful movie either, no matter how “truthfully” it portrays the emotions and deviousness of relationships.

Would I see it again? Again yes and no… No I don’t want to see it again for “entertainment value”, but rather to study, critique and further explore the ideas raised, and to note down some of the clever repartee.

Closer…. I’d say don’t get to closely attached to this film…

Friday, January 28, 2005

Something to Ponder

If a heart for godliness indicates godliness itself,
Does a heart that thinks it's godly indicate a lack thereof?
If a mature person knows that there much maturity to be gained,
Does a mature person who thinks itself as such show that it isn't?

courtesy of A.L. :)

Monday, January 24, 2005

Thought for the Day

Saw this written on a chalkboard outside a cafe a Metford (a town near Maitland)

"Can someone who causes pain to others experience real joy?"


Wednesday, January 19, 2005

What is the world coming to??

A woman in Romania gave birth to a child at age 66...
This has sparked a debate (which I am happily chipping in on) about how old is too old for women to have children....

Also since Brad and Jennifer's break up.. the whole issue of women not wanting to give up their dreams and careers and settle down to have children till later in life...

I know that there's all this "power to the women" thing going on..
i think it's great that women are becoming viewed with equal status as guys in the coporate world.. women have a lot to contribute to society in any occupational capacity... but y have our ambitions for family been pushed aside for our amibitions to succeed and climb the coporate ladder?? i'm not saying its a bad thing.. but where does having a family fit in with marriage these days? at which point do we draw the line and say, "ok, i'm ready to try for a family..."??

to go back to my original point... women having kids "later" in life..
just saw a story on Today Tonight, where some Catholic priest was saying that it was irresponsible of women to have children so late in life.. that they should consider the child's welfare, of growing up with older parents... and even the potential of their parents passing away while they're still young...

sure there are implications for having children when older.. but what ever happened to embracing and rejoicing in a new life??!!

i mean here the media is having a go at women for having children when their older.. so what??? many have tried and tried for years to have a child... and God has finally blessed them with a new life.. shouldn't we be rejoicing in that???

anyway, i think its is selfish to an extent for women to put their careers ahead of family... or for women not to want to have children at all...
i think that's expressively going against God's commands..
i've probably opened a can of worms here.. but oh well....

just some of my thoughts..

Friday, January 07, 2005

Mission Prayer Points


Am running around like a mad dog trying to pack!!!
Sooo much stuff to bring its not even funny!!!!
only thing keeping me sane is listening to Jars of Clay's Rescue Me

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 pairs of undies?? yup, that should be enough..
can always wear them inside out or back to front if needs be.... :P
t-shirts, shorts, socks, deodorant, toothpaste, toothbrush... oops! almost forgot my phone charger!!!! AIYA!!!!!

then there's all the stuff for games for mission...
oh and my golf clubs!!!! hee hee... ;)

ok.. but being serious now..
please please puhleassssseeee.. be in prayer for the team and the mission...
nothing can be achieved without prayer...

For the team:
Pray that out hearts will be set on things above
Pray that our lives will be worthy of the Gospel
Pray that we will have hearts of worship and service
Pray that we will seek strength from God's word each and every day
Pray that we will have patience bear with each other in love, seeking to build and serve each other in Christ
Pray that we will have hearts to seek out the lost
Pray that we will all grow in our spiritual walk with Christ

For the mission:
Pray that many kids and parents will come
Pray that God will soften and open their hearts to His Word
Pray that many seeds will be planted
Pray that they may be convicted by the message of the Gospel

For Maitland Evangelical Church (MEC):
Pray that they will be encouraged and enriched
Pray that they may build strong bonds with the community
Pray that they may reach out and welcome others into their fold
Pray that the fire of the Spirit may spread through them like scrubfire
Pray that God will equp them to continue the work after we leave
Pray that God will equip them to continue to serve and build each other up in love.

Most of all....
Pray that the name of our Lord Jesus Christ will be proclaimed faithfully by all and to all. That in all things His Name may be glorified!! Amen.

Your prayers are vital for this mission, and indeed every other mission going on around Oz and the world..
without prayer, we are nothing...
your prayers are so very much appreciated... :)
it is a priviledge to be able to be in partnership in the Gospel with you through prayer whether we are on the same mission team or not, or on the other side of the world...

Tuesday, January 04, 2005

Countdown to Mission

Oh My Gosh!!!!!!

It’s only like 4 days till mission!!!

I can’t believe how quickly time has flown by!!

T minus 4 days and counting… there’s still soo much to do and prepare for before mission!!!

We had our first music practice for the concert time team last night… Man it was weird singing all those Sunday school songs again… it really reminded me how long I’ve been out of Sunday School for… I didn’t even know like half the songs!!!! But it felt weird for the first part of the night singing those “childish” kiddy songs again… But as the night wore on, I started to warm to the task and hand and get back into the groove of singing them, actions and all… J

It was quite amazing really… I had to take a step back and reflect on what we were singing… it never ceases to amaze me just how much truth these Sunday School songs hold in such a short and simple tune… I’ve become soo ingrained and accustomed to singing the more “adult” hymns and contemporary songs… songs that are full of rich doctrinal truths, speaking of God’s character, His love, mercy and grace, proclaiming His glory and name, reminding us of our weakness and sinfulness, and reinforcing our reliance and dependence on Him. Wonderful hymns and songs like My Hope is Built, Rock of Ages, Beneath the Cross of Jesus, How Deep the Father’s Love, Only by Grace, Nothing Can I boast In etc. etc. etc… I can go on and on and on just listing all my favourite hymns and songs…

These songs for me stood in such contrast to the songs we were singing last night. Songs that speak the truth of the Gospel so simply and clearly, within just 8 stanzas, all the C, G or D major… songs that don’t need some complicated jazzy bass and drum rift… but with a really simple basic tune… lyrics like “God is Great… God’s alive… He’s the King of everyone, God’s the mighty, mighty Lord of all… Jesus is the King, ruler over everything. Jesus is the one, promised one the Son of God, Jesus is the Lord, He’s the one you can’t ignore…My God is so big, so strong and so mighty, there’s nothing my God cannot do…The mountains are his, the valleys are his, the stars are his handiwork too…” Soooo incredibly simple, succinct, concise and true!!!!

As adults we like to engage and flaunt our intellectual powers of reasoning and logic… trying to tackle and fathom wonderfully deep and profound doctrinal truths like propitiation, expiation, justification, sanctification, pre-destination and any other “–ation” you can think of, that we often so easily lose sight of the simplicity of the Gospel. So simple that even a child can understand, repent and believe… Why is it so hard for us adults to do the same???

“I tell you the truth, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Therefore, whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of Heaven.” – Matt 18:2-4

“Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” - Matt 19:14

That’s definitely one thing I’m looking forward to being challenged by at mission… seeing the kids thirst and hunger for the Gospel… and believing with such innocent, simple, child-like faith…

Mission looming on the horizon seems and feels so daunting in some ways… I feel so small against the backdrop of God’s great plan… I guess that’s a good thing, cos I know that I can’t rely on my own strength to get through the week… I’ll need to be constantly relying on Him for strength to sustain and carry me… But at the same time, I feel anxious, nervous, and exciting all at the same time! I can’t wait to see what God has in store for us, for me… He is awesome and sovereign, and in control of everything… and I know that everything next week will work towards the proclamation and declaration of His good and perfect Name. Sooo can’t wait!!! J

I dunno if I’ll have an internet connection up in Maitland, but I’ll try and post a daily journal-esc thing… But in the mean time, please keep the whole team in prayer as we finalise last minute preps and stuff…

I’ll post a more comprehensive list of prayer points later in the week…

Monday, January 03, 2005

Yet more discussion...

Tsunami leads to debate over God

January 3, 2005 - 12:14PM

The Indian Ocean tsunami disaster has led to debate among religious leaders over whether the mass destruction was a warning from God.

Anglican Dean of Sydney, Phillip Jensen, triggered the debate after saying disasters were part of God's warning that judgment was imminent.

Another church figure and a representative of the Islamic community described the disaster as God's way of testing humankind.

Chief executive of the Australian Federation of Islamic Councils, Amjad Mehboob, told AAP: "It's a test - he wants to see how we react to this."

"If we react with compassion, our hearts are filled and we do something about it, then that act in itself is something God is wanting to see in us.

"We turn to God, we become God-conscious and when we become God-conscious we do good and not bad, we seek good in others."

But he said it was not possible to give a satisfactory reason why the disaster occurred.

"Only God has the full knowledge of why it has happened," he said.

South Sydney Anglican Bishop Robert Forsyth said Jesus Christ used the example of disasters to bring people to God.

"Without explaining the disaster, even Jesus drew peoples' attention to let the disasters be a warning to them of their own mortality and their need to be right with God," Bishop Forsyth said.

"So at this point the Dean's point is echoing the point of Jesus."

Leader of the worldwide Anglican Communion, Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams, said in a statement on the disaster it was only natural that people were beginning to wonder how a loving God could allow such a tragedy to occur.

"Faced with the paralysing magnitude of a disaster like this, we naturally feel more deeply outraged - and also more deeply helpless," he said.

Dr Williams said it was time to respond to the disaster with passionate engagement.

Meanwhile, moves are under way to set up a national inter-faith appeal for disaster victims.

The appeal will be launched in Canberra on Friday.

More questions and debate.....

more comments and debate on the recent Tsunami disasters from Christian leaders. What do you guys make of these comments? Are disasters a part of God's warning of impending judgement?? What kind of God would allow such disasters to occur on His creation? Especially if He is a good, perfect and loving God?

These are not necessarily my questions. But are certainly questions that have been raised all around the world, and are continuing to reveberate like aftershocks. WHY???

As one woman in India put it,
"Why did you do this to us, God? What did we do to upset you?"

God's will comments horrible, says dean
By Lisa Pryor
January 3, 2005

The dean of St Mary's Cathedral, Neil Brown, has criticised religious leaders who say the tsunami disaster is the will of God.

The comments came after the Anglican Dean of Sydney, Phillip Jensen, said disasters were part of God's warning that judgement was coming.

Similar sentiments were expressed by Amjad Mehboob, the chief executive of the Australian Federation of Islamic Councils.

At a Mass dedicated to victims of the tsunami, Father Brown told a congregation at St Mary's yesterday that humans could not know the will of God. "It [that such disasters are God's will] is not a Catholic belief, and it's a rather horrible belief when you begin to think about it," he said. The Indonesian Catholic Community Choir sang at the Mass, and special prayers were said for Indonesian victims of the tragedy.

Father Brown is joined by Jewish and Hindu leaders who say the tsunami cannot be described as the will of God, or punishment from God.

Rabbi Raymond Apple, senior rabbi at the Great Synagogue, said humans could not read God's mind. "One cannot imagine God deliberately, wilfully bringing such suffering on innocent human beings ... we create major theological problems for ourselves if we just start automatically blaming God for everything evil that ever happens."

Mr Jensen yesterday confirmed he had told a journalist that "disasters are part of His warning that judgement is coming". However, he said the statement was taken out of context, and it now was the time to help victims of the disaster; philosophical debate should be left until later. "Our first task is to pray [to] the sovereign God who rules all things, and secondly to give generously to help people in their hour of need, and thirdly, down the track, to think about and talk about what it's all about."

But the world leader of the Anglican Church, the Archbishop of Canterbury, Rowan Williams, has already entered the philosophical debate about the meaning of the disaster. In an opinion piece in The Sunday Telegraph in Britain he said the question "How can you believe in a God who permits suffering on this scale?" was very much in people's minds at the moment, and it would be wrong if it was not.

"Every single random, accidental death is something that should upset a faith bound up with comfort and ready answers," he wrote. "Faced with the paralysing magnitude of a disaster like this, we naturally feel more deeply outraged - and also more deeply helpless." It was time to respond to the disaster with passionate engagement with the lives of survivors, and people should try to change the situation in whatever ways were open to them, Dr Williams said.

The Australian Federation of Islamic Councils' Mr Mehboob said yesterday: "We believe that whatever happens in the world, it happens with the sanction of God, and nothing can happen without his sanction."

No one could say whether the victims had brought the disaster on themselves, he said; only God could know that.

"It is a tragedy of immense magnitude that has affected so many people, it ought to move all humanity together," Mr Mehboob said.

"It is a time for people to come together; we have had a lot of division in the recent past."