What is the world coming to??
A woman in Romania gave birth to a child at age 66...
This has sparked a debate (which I am happily chipping in on) about how old is too old for women to have children....
Also since Brad and Jennifer's break up.. the whole issue of women not wanting to give up their dreams and careers and settle down to have children till later in life...
I know that there's all this "power to the women" thing going on..
i think it's great that women are becoming viewed with equal status as guys in the coporate world.. women have a lot to contribute to society in any occupational capacity... but y have our ambitions for family been pushed aside for our amibitions to succeed and climb the coporate ladder?? i'm not saying its a bad thing.. but where does having a family fit in with marriage these days? at which point do we draw the line and say, "ok, i'm ready to try for a family..."??
to go back to my original point... women having kids "later" in life..
just saw a story on Today Tonight, where some Catholic priest was saying that it was irresponsible of women to have children so late in life.. that they should consider the child's welfare, of growing up with older parents... and even the potential of their parents passing away while they're still young...
sure there are implications for having children when older.. but what ever happened to embracing and rejoicing in a new life??!!
i mean here the media is having a go at women for having children when their older.. so what??? many have tried and tried for years to have a child... and God has finally blessed them with a new life.. shouldn't we be rejoicing in that???
anyway, i think its is selfish to an extent for women to put their careers ahead of family... or for women not to want to have children at all...
i think that's expressively going against God's commands..
i've probably opened a can of worms here.. but oh well....
just some of my thoughts..
You think it's selfish for a woman not to want children or put career ahead of family??!!
If all men are currently able, sustainably long term and willing to service the entire financial burden of a family without their partner's dual income and contribution - then we can talk more about your statement.
Who's the really selfish one here?
no no..
sorry beckster..
let me clarify and qualify my comment..
my point is that i think it is selfish to want to pursue a career over having a family.
i'm not saying that as soon as a woman gets married that she becomes house bound, and is relegated to being a housewife for the rest of her life...
i totally appreciate and support the fact that a woman is able to financially contribute towards a family... indeed i think it would be irresponsible to start a family where you know that you won't be able to financially support one...
i'm saying that i think it's selfish for a woman to forego a family for the pursuit of career and success... i have no problems with women going back to work after having children..
but to completely put "family planning" on the shelf until she has "succeeded" professionally, that i think is selfish..
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