Sunday, November 07, 2004

Ka Boom!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Without a doubt, the inaugural Ignite Film Festival was an absolute blast!!! (pun intended) I was blown away (pun intended again) by the ingenuity, quality, diversity and creativity of the films entered!!!! The theme for this inaugural film fest was "parables". Entrants had to submit a short film based on one of Jesus' parables from the Gospels. The variety of films ranged from scifi to thriller, to animation to silent movie, to documetary and musicals!! It was amazing!!!
The turnout on the night was awesome!! I dun know what the official head count was, but i'm sure it was close to 1000 people!!!!

Not only were the quality of the films amazingly beyond my expectation, but it was really really refreshing to see the various parables depicted in a whole new light. Its actually very powerful to see the stories unfold before you. I know i was very challenged and moved by a number of the films. And the films can make a really great evangelistic tool, because at first viewing you may not immediately recognise which parable it is. This is great, cos NCs may ask what was that film about, or which parable was that? and you can then turn them to the accounts written in the Gospels and hopefully also explain to them the meaning behind the parables. DVD's of all the finalists are available through TVS.. i'll post more details when I get them.. i'll also post photos when i get them developed..

Tell you what though.. It was a very very very lonnngggg day..... I was soooo wasted at the end of it... having woken up at 3:30 that morning (refer to my first post), and then gone to work, running around taking photos and being alert for opportunities is a very very tiring job... even now, i am still very drained.. think i might go crawl back into bed for a couple more hours of shut eye... aduiqd ajjafljjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj sorry, think i just dozed off thennnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn uiiisdddjkwefoihhhhhhhhhhh..

err yeah... i'm going to crawl away now....


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