Dropped in at uni today on the way home to catch up with an old friend... very weird feeling walking back in through the gates seeing the walkways chalked with invites to various societies.. like HASH, Beer appreciation soc, etc... seeing marxist and socialist posters on trees and notice boards, seeing Left Wing people selling their papers...
weird how it's so easy to spot the first years... u can see them a mile away... 16/17 year olds walking towards redfern station with a spring in their step... eyes all bright and wide, dressed like umm first years.. :P carrying numerous showbags and all chattin excitedly about their timetables and the societies they've joined... ahh.. let them have their blissful fantasy... wait till week 3 or 4 comes around... then we'll see how many lectures they attend!! and wait till stuvac hits them! Muahahahaha!! little do they know...
walking in from redfern, i realised today was the first time i'd been to redfern station, walked down abercrombie st, and into Sydney Uni for the first time in almost 3 years!! How time flies...
Seeing the beautiful biochem and microbiology building (the ugliest building on campus) brought back memories of long 4 hour labs, and vegging on the lawn outside waiting for the polyacrylamide gels to run... or the wentworth building... ahhh i love the wentworth building.. level 4 to be exact... hanging in the terrace cafe, sipping coffee after coffee, playing Big 2 and skipping lectures... playing pool, and pigging out on hot chips... :)
ahhh.. i miss the uni life... :)
Yes, those were the days! Feeling old?
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