This is my first blog. As you can see its 4am on a Saturday morning. Why am i up at this ungodly hour on the weekend???!!! I start work in 3 hours! But i cannot sleep!!
It's hot, and humid and stuffy! My mind is awake and tired at the same time.
Restless and unsettled, things racing around in my head at a million miles an hour.
I know that today is going to be a very very long day, so i know i need my sleep. Yet I cannot sleep, so here I am logging on and making my very first post!! How insane is that??!! And I haven't told anyone about this blog, so there's no one to read this! So for now I just type for myself and for the sake of typing and evetually for whoever finds this blog.
My mind is filled with things.... plans, ideas, thoughts, concerns, worries, doubts...
"Are you weak and heavy laden? Take it to the Lord in prayer... In His arms he'll hide and shield you, take it to the Lord in prayer."
I have work today in the morning from 7:30 till 11:30/12, then i've got to rush over to Town Hall and help out with Ignite and take photos. Have I got enough film? Is the film i have too old? should i buy new film just for today? questions questions questions running through my head.... need to just relax and slow down....
"breathe in..... breathe out..... breathe in.... breathe out.... "
Ignite is going to be awesome tonight... I will post after the event all about how it went...
think this is enough for my first blog... going to crawl onto the couch and watch NBC today and try and sleep for a couple more hours...
welcome to my blog... hopefully there won't be too many postings at ungodly hours such as this in the future.. :P