Hollywood on York
I got to walk on a movie set this morning!!!!!
Went in to work this morning at 7:30am! (i know... that's crazy on a saturday!!) But at Wynyard station, they were filming scenes for the upcoming Superman prequel!
They had blocked off York St from Erskine to King St... and all along York St from Margaret down, there was a whole procession of cars with "Metropolis" license plates! There were even a whole stack of yellow cabs!! I got a photo on my phone of one of them, and also a shot of some Metropolis policemen sitting at the bus stop on York St next to some police bikes!
The cars were really cool! The extras driving them looked soooo bored... they must've been sitting around there for ageeeesss just waiting to do a couple of takes driving down the street and reversing back to reset...
But what was cool was that the dash on the left side of the car (our passenger side) had steering wheels installed in them to make them look like American cars! It was weird to see cars like Saab 900s and Purgeot 307s with 2 steering wheels!
What was also cool was that they had rebadged the St George Bank on the corner of York and Barrack St (right opposite my work) to say "Bank of Metropolis". I tried to steal a photo with my camera phone, but couldn't get close enough!
They even had a telephone box installed on the opposite corner! (must be Superman's changing room)...
Alas, I didn't get to steal a glimpse of Kevin Spacey or Superman (what's his face... what happened to Dean Cain???) or any of the other stars...
But it definitely made a dull boring Saturday work day a bit more interesting!! :)
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