Aphrodisiacs Take 2
well, well, well... after posting earlier in Feb about Valentines and Aphrodisiacs, it seems there is some scientific basis for what have been traditionally known as old wives' tales...
I only really discussed chocolates as being regarded as aphrodisiacs, but it seems that there is actually truth in oysters being aphrodisiacs... An article titled Pearly Wisdom in today's SMH reports that scientists have found that the aphrodisiac qualities of oysters can be attributed to increased levels of two amino acids namely D-aspartic acid (D-asp) and N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA).
Maybe in the future, you'll be able to buy concentrated supplements of D-asp and NMDA! but then where's the fun in that! I'd rather have the excuse of eating more oysters!! :) Dunno if I can hack sucking down 50 oysters for breakfast like Casanova though!!
I always wondered why Austin Powers didn't eat oysters when he lost his mojo... now if only he had! :P
So the take home lesson is that seafood buffets are a good thing!! I'm soo asian!! :)
Eat Up!!! :) Bon Appetite!
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