A good week... *sigh*
It’s been a good week... *sigh* so sad that it has had to come to and end so quickly…
Took a week off work to just spends some quality time with myself and to chill and recharge my batteries…
Monday, had breakfast with my minister and his wife… was wonderful to swap stories of travelling in the land of the long white cloud (NZ)… I’m sooo itching to go back… I love Middle Earth!!! Then after breakfast went and hit the fairways with my minister… was awesome to just spend a leisurely 4-5 hours walking the fairways, sharing in God’s creation… chatting, encouraging each other… let’s not wait another year before we do this again!!!
Tuesday, was a lazy day at home… it rained and poured all day… was soo nice to be able to just sit/lie in bed, listen to music and read… It was great to just immerse myself in God’s Word for a day… still reading According to Plan… a great and simple yet most timely reminder of the importance of biblical theology… Goldsworthy has a wonderful gift of presenting Biblical Theology in such simple, bite sized chunks that are so easily digestible… I really recommend this book to anyone who wants to know and understand how the story of the Bible all fits together…
Tuesday night, went to see Norah live at the Entertainment Centre… You can read my review of the night here.
Wed was I reckon the best day of the whole week… spent all day at Syd Uni… Was great to feel like a uni student again, without having the attendance of lectures and classes to worry about (not like it’s any different from when I was at uni!! :P) Spent the day catching up and having coffee with people and friends I hadn’t seen for a while… Was most encouraged to see so many of my peers from when I was uni doing staff working for the EU… It was so awesome to immerse and surround myself with the work of the Gospel in EU for just a day… Such an inspiration and an encourage AND a rebuke to see them all on fire for the Gospel… Despite the pouring rain and howling gales, my spirits were not dampened, but rather, I felt warmed and enlivened by the fellowship I shared with those I met up with... Thanks to all those I had coffee with… You are all very close to my heart and I always keep you in my prayers… Indeed, the words of the apostle Paul spring to mind…
“I thank my God every time I remember you. In all my prayers for all of you, I always pray with joy because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now, being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.” – Phil 1:3-6
I hope to visit uni another time again soon… (mebbe on my next RDO)
Thursday, was a pretty bludgy day... Went to Chatswood and hung out with a couple from my cell group at church, went shopping at EB games, and went back to their place to play some xbox before going to cell group that night for pizza and games night! That was a late night! Played games till
Friday, slept in and missed Good Friday service at church!! :( But later that day went to NDCCC with one of my best friends from uni and visited their evening Good Friday service… Then crashed his place and played GT4 till late… Was good to visit another church and be encouraged by and encourage others this Easter time…
Saturday, some guys came over to my friends place and we played Munchkins till the late afternoon… then went and had sushi train for dinner at Makoto in Chatswood… They make the best Omelette and Oyster hand rolls there!! Then off to another friend’s place for a small get together with uni friends!! *Woah*!!! What a packed couple of days… I was soo tired, from all the late nights and not enough sleep… I’m getting too old for this!!!
Sunday, had Sunday School in the morning… teaching the kids of the meaning of Easter… So great to see they have all these pieces of information scattered throughout their little brains… It’s all about getting them to put the pieces of the jigsaw puzzle together and to help them realise that it’s all related and that it all fits together for a purpose… Sunday evening after church, stayed back and played yet MORE games… this time till
Monday (today), woke up most annoyedly at 8:30 after going to bed at 4am… :( tried to do some more reading to tire myself to get more sleep… but to no avail… instead went and played golf at The Coast at La Perouse with some friends from church… I love the course there!!! Sooo scenic! The course is set on the cliff tops along the coast (hence the name.. :P) giving wonderful views of the ocean and the craggy cliffs all around… but because it’s right on the coast, it was sooo windy!!!! Making any good scoring really really tough… but it was a good day anyway… the fellowship and company was wonderful… my game was very hot and cold… but I did manage to play a few good shots…
Now I’m totally wasted after a great week… I feel refreshed and recharged yet tired (prob from golf today)… but now I must retire to my chambers cos I start work tomorrow at
Ahhh…. It was a wonderful week… Shame it had to end so quickly… Can’t wait to have another like it… Must remind myself to do this more often!!! :)
Glad to hear you had such a relaxing and fun-filled week!
Thanks for catching up and being such an encouragement :)
no thank you! :)
it's all my joy and pleasure :) Thanks for the company! :)
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